Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Diet Diaries- Update 14- Let's Embrace the Change!

Hey Guys,

I hope you are all well!

So much has happened throughout these two weeks in my life! 

I have been on this journey 7 months, woah! Check out my journey from the very very beginning here:

If you read my last update, you know that I had some struggles.

I'm not going to say that everything magically went for the better, funnily enough they kinda went for the worse! So many tears have been shed, gallons of heart ache and changes have been thrown my way, however, I am sitting with my head held high and looking ahead rather than looking back!

I know a lot of people who unfortunately fill a void they have in their life by stuffing their faces in order to ease their sorrows, I am one of those persons.

During these past two weeks, I was looking forward to a big change in my personal life, something that had been at the back of my mind for years. Unfortunately life doesn't always deal the card that you want dealt and I had to accept "defeat". 

I must admit, the first few days saw me barely eating or else doing the complete opposite, taking advantage of my "down days" and stuffing my face in.

I quickly realised that it was no use losing all the hard work I put in the past 7 months and tried to get back on track as much as possible.

The reason I am saying all this is to show you, my readers that you are not alone... we all go through rough patches which leave us feeling useless. 

Thanks to my pillars which I call my friends, I have managed to at least look at this situation as positively as possible.

I know I might seem as being a bit secretive or some what mysterious but at the moment I do not feel comfortable sharing what is going on in my life openly on the internet, unfortunately, anyone can read this, and from experience, I have learnt that anything you do, even in the best intention, can be used against you.

I encourage you to check out my instagram account: for a daily insight into my life and food choices: http://instagram.com/allthingsfab

Anywho, with this post I want to focus on change and positivity and with change, comes new graphics! 

I decided to spice things up a bit today by showing my current results in a different way!

Check out my progress from the very beginning till today!

After my bad result last time, I managed to get back on track by losing 600 g, yes its a tiny amount but at the end of the day, it's a loss not a gain.

Lately I have been catching up with an old friend of mine who funnily enough is going through something similar to me. After talking and sharing our latest stories, we realised that by helping ourselves look better, be it dieting, exercising or just wearing an outfit which makes us feel good about ourselves, got us through certain situations were we could have been left pitying ourselves.

The reason I first started out these posts was mainly to keep my diet in check, putting yourself in a position were you open up and share your weight loss experience with people you ultimately don't know, gives you extra motivation to succeed. Nowadays this has changed. I have spoken to a lot of people both who I know personally and just over my blog who tell me that due to these posts I managed to inspire them to at least think about doing a change and realising that hey, I am not ok with how I look and I want to change that. 

That for me gives me greater satisfaction then the numbers on the weighing scale every two weeks.

So enough with the rambling, let's march on and think positive and embrace the change!

Martina XOXO


  1. You are a strong person and I know you won't let anything defeat you. Love the graphics, it shows how far you'e come! Keep it up as you are inspiring many people, myself included!

  2. You've come a long way - and you've done so great - and still are. It's a journey - and it's not all about numbers. So what if you've lost track a bit - we all do - but they're just numbers and you're doing amazing regardless of what they say XXX
